Marketnode joins the Asia-Pacific Loan Market Assocation (APLMA)

Marketnode is pleased to become an APLMA member, alongside more than 400 institutional members across Asia-Pacific, including banks, non-bank financial institutions, law firms, data providers and more.

The Asia Pacific Loan Market Association was founded in 1998 to promote growth, liquidity and best practices in Asia-Pacific's loan markets.

Digitisation has also begun to transform how private credit and loan markets operate, through automating tedious manual processes, increasing transparency and trackability, and simplifying complex multi-party workflows.

Marketnode looks forward to further engaging with Asia-Pacific's private credit and loan market participants as we continue to roll out best-in-class digital loans market infrastructure, built with and for the industry.

For more information on APLMA:

Marketnode loans case study with New World China: Case study


HSBC leads Series A investment in Asia-Pacific digital market infrastructure operator Marketnode